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Energize: Collaborating cross-industry to support pharma suppliers with renewable energy
GSK has worked with industry peers and Schneider Electric to help suppliers access power purchase agreements
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Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield’s approach to embedding diversity and inclusion in the business
This initiative was shortlisted for the Diversity and Inclusion Award at the World Sustainability Awards 2022. Learn more on how URW has built on existing good HR practices to fully embed D&I in the company culture and improve performance across the group.
AB InBev’s approach to working with startups to develop and scale sustainable solutions
This initiative was shortlisted for the External Partnership Award at the World Sustainability Awards 2022 after being assessed by a judging panel of 26 experts. The panel was impressed by the progress being made and felt this initiative should be shared and celebrated.
AT&T’s approach to safeguarding its network against climate change disruption
This initiative was shortlisted for the External Partnership Award at the World Sustainability Awards 2022. Learn how has AT&T set out to produce the necessary data to power a CCAT that would allow them to map these risks and then target mitigating actions and future investment accordingly.
Electrolux’s approach to engaging suppliers on carbon disclosure
This initiative was shortlisted for the Sustainable Supply Chain Award at the World Sustainability Awards 2022. Learn how Electrolux partners with CDP to engage its key suppliers and encourage them to disclose their emissions and other relevant environmental data.
Holcim’s approach to using digital technology to tackle Scope 3 emissions in logistics
This initiative was shortlisted for the Carbon Reduction Award at the World Sustainability Awards 2022. Find out what is a key success factor when it comes to reducing emissions.
Diversey’s approach to using recycling to drive social impact
This initiative was shortlisted for the Profit With Purpose Award at the World Sustainability Awards 2022 after being assessed by a judging panel of 26 experts. The panel was impressed by the progress being made and felt this initiative should be shared and celebrated.
Hilton Supply Management’s approach to internship and training projects for young people in Egypt
The global hospitality company’s procurement team is helping to empower young women by providing skills and work experience
First World Sustainability Congress highlights need for greater collaboration and investment to address Scope 3 emissions
Businesses are now expected to address the carbon footprint of their value chains. But while CO2 in supplier and consumer use – or Scope 3 emissions – makes up the lion’s share of most organisations’ footprint, progress remains slow for most businesses.
Supply Chain and Procurement Professionals need to Engage and Act on Climate Change
Supply chain and procurement can play a big role in mitigating and reversing the effects of global warming. Read how your organisation can help address climate change.
Why companies must adopt a business-wide approach to sustainability
Where should responsibility for improving corporate sustainability sit?
Hiring for corporate sustainability: what skills are in demand?
As corporate sustainability strategies become more pressing in the face of incoming climate risks, companies face new challenges in their hiring practices to adjust to this reality
Put a price on carbon, share ESG data, re-design products
Read the hottest 3 takeaways from Sustainability Leaders’ June Accelerator